
Olympics Ads: and the first place goes to…

For those of us who couldn’t make the trip to PyeongChang for the 2018 Winter Olympics, the games were interspersed with all manner of themed commercials looking to make an impact with the viewers. Even though the 2018 Winter Olympics have concluded, we decided to rank our favorite Olympic commercial.

Bronze Medal Winner: Aldi

This lightly comical commercial by Aldi is different than the typical intense olympic ads; and that’s why it stood out to us. It includes a man slipping on ice with Aldi bags in his hand and accidentally performing tricks.  Two former olympic skaters are watching and tell the man, “That was amazing”, to which he replies ,“I know! I saved on all these products at Aldi”.  It works because it’s a self aware over-the-top advertisement that’s fun to watch.

Silver Medal Winner: Visa

Visa’s commercial “Finding New Finish Lines” includes a catchy remix of a well known song (Anything You Can Do) along with motivational and fast paced shots of athletes striving for their goals.  Among these action shots the athletes are also using their Visa cards which tells the viewer that Visa is quick and hassle free.

Gold Medal Winner: United

The gold goes to United’s superhero themed commercial.  Their 30 second video combines fun 3D graphics with olympic athletes to make them superheroes on their way to the olympics.  When the athletes can’t fly to PyeongChang themselves, United comes to the rescue, creating a great story arch that has a clear message.



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